Monday, September 04, 2006

Tucker Max contemplates: Should I go to law school?

I would like to respond with two statements -
1. yes, I would love to be Ally McBeal
2. yes, I do want to change the world
- and I will do both of those while still having a fabulous, fantastic, fun life, filled with faith, friends, and family.


Anonymous said...

omg! i love him! that was the best thing about law school ever, i agree with every word.

Anonymous said...

i started to read the speech, and then i realized i have no idea who "tucker max" is.

in response to the post below: the east coast misses you! but some people maintain DC is in the south so maybe we still are in the same region & shouldn't start crying yet.

Tala said...

leilita: tucker max is very funny, very obnoxious, very real. he reminds me of those guys in the carl's jr commercials. a real man's man.

banana: i do not agree with every word (because if i did, i wouldnt be in law school). but i do know that i am going to be in debt for the rest of my life - aka being middle-class and living in south nowhere, north dakota - you should ask samy about our census bureau revelations.

miss you both! xoxo.