So buy a new bathing suit, take out your sunscreen, put on your stunna shades, and join me on the beach bus to Zuma. Destination: WAY TOO HOT SUMMER.
Breaking News! Britney is an aunt. Please welcome Maddie Briann Spears into our pop-culture-loving lives.
“Spencer is the man!”
“For what?”
LOL! But, seriously… for what, Heidi?!?!
Song of the week: “Bossy”
Worker of the week: Leonardo DiCaprio
Article of the week: “The Tao of Mary Kate”
Upgrade of the week: Strawberry Shortcake
Interview of the week: Anna Wintour with New York Magazine
Quote of the week:
“One day in the distant future, the children of our children’s children will look back upon the ‘aughts’ for retro inspiration and stumble upon the sartorial black hole that is Paris Hilton. Her egregious crimes against fashion are too numerous to list here, but in this photo of Her Tragedy, accompanied by her boyfriend Benji Madden, the offending look is very wannabe It couple: If you took a snapshot of Kate Moss and Pete Doherty from two years ago, photocopied it 27 times, covered it in Velveeta, ran it through a Hot Topic sample sale and then sold it as a cheap knock-off on Canal Street, it would look like this picture.” – Elizabeth Spiridakis
Collabo of the week: Converse / Pharrell / Santogold / Julian
Just got back from Poland (cześć) and Israel (shalom). AMAZING. Will post some photos up soon. A little jetlagged now, but had to share this video. Not sure how I feel about it :/