Thursday, October 05, 2006

My brother is the face of UCLA. This is not a joke. There are posters (and cookies) of him all over campus, courtesy of the fine people behind Happenings at UCLA, the “Headwaters of Hipdom.” These photos are from the Daily Bruin stand next to LuValle Commons. How appropriate – a Persian pre-med reppin UCLA – but when did Sana become so hip?

Jock ORL for stepping it up a notch and for once not shoving Diddy Riese cookies down freshmen throats (not that there is anything wrong with Diddy Riese, especially sugar cinammon cookies... mmm), but this is fershiz cooler.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OMG OMG OMG!!! JOCK!!!!!!!!

Oeste Lado said...

linking to ORL causes your blog's stock to drop drastically. never do it again.

Anonymous said...

haha...this is true.

Anonymous said...

"happenings at ucla"?? when did this happen? i feel old. and not just the "i tell people i'm 21 but i'm really 24" kind of old (sound familiar tala?)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ucla <3s sana